Carlos Osorio

Carlos Osorio is the Secretary of Information Technology and CIO of the D Atlántico State in Colombia, one of the fastest growing regions in Latin America.  He is leading several programs involving IT, with the main objective of improving education quality in some of the most needed population groups of the area; as well as the use of IT to generate new job opportunities and promote entrepreneurship.  With the support of the national and local governments he has expanded the Internet coverage throughout the Atlántico territory aiding to provide rural schools with computers and tablets, reaching a goal of 12 students per computer.  Leading the design and implementation of a networks where today more than 100,000 students and teachers can access new educational contents not only from the schools but also through free WIFI zones located in central squares and highly populated areas around remote rural towns, Carlos Osorio is helping improve the educational standards and the internet coverage of the Atlántico State, gaining regional and national recognition for the model and the obtained results.

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