Sandra Cortesi

Sandra Cortesi is a Fellow at the Berkman Center and the Director of the Youth and Media Project. She is responsible for coordinating the Youth and Media’s policy, research, and educational initiatives. At the new Youth and Media Lab Sandra works closely with talented young people and lead researchers in the field as they look into innovative ways to approach social challenges in the digital world, including the production and exchange of digital media, youth development in social networking, and digital citizenship. Together with Urs Gasser and the YaM team, she focuses on the topics of “information quality” and privacy, about which she has coauthored several publications. Sandra also examines a broad range of youth communication and information technology practices for insights into youth online behavior and emergent policy questions, where she applies her training as a cognitive scientist. Sandra continues to also be engaged in European projects in collaboration with the Research Center for Information Law at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Sandra has a Masters in Psychology, with a specialization in Neuro-Psychology and Human-Computer Interaction, from the University of Basel.

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