Bu Wei

Bu Wei is a professor at the Institute of Journalism and Communication (IJC), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and director of the Research Center for Children and Media. Bu focuses on research on the Critical Development Communication. Since 1990, she has published over 10 books and 200 articles on ICT/communication for Development, children/youth’s use of media/ICTs and their sub-culture, participatory communication, media empowerment for marginal groups, feminist media studies, media literacy education, NGOs’ communication activisms, art activism for social changes, working class cultural studies, and communication research methodology. Bu is also an activist in the practice on communication and development. She has worked with peasants, rural children and youth, migrant children, workers, trafficking of women and children, minorities, youth affected by HIV/AIDS and other groups and has explored the theories, models, and action guidelines through pilot projects and action researches as consultant for UNICEF and international agencies.

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